Voz da Pele

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Brazil, 1 season with 5 episodes, in post production.

Directed by
Igor Verde e Davi Pretto

Written by
Ceci Alves, Davi Pretto, Igor Verde, Phelipe Caetano

Alexya Salvador, Ana Flávia Magalhães, Flávio Gomes , Katiuscia Ribeiro, Monica Lima, Muniz Sodré, Paco Gomes, Renato Noguera , Rosana Paulino, Rosane Borges, Veronica Oliveira

Vulcana Cinema


Voz da Pele is a documentary series in five episodes that draws on slavery and abolitionist speeches from the media and characters from the period around the Lei Áurea in 1888, at the same time that it tells the story of black characters who were protagonists in their struggles for freedom in quilombola revolts, in the black press and on city streets. The series discusses how that period and those silenced and other silencing voices still echos today, with testimonies from important contemporary black thinkers such as Muniz Sodré, Rosane Borges, Flavio Gomes, Katiúscia Ribeiro, Rosana Paulino, Ana Flavia Magalhães, Renato Nogueira, Alexya Salvador, Verônica Oliveira, Mônica Lima and Paco Gomes.