Banality of Evil

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Brazil, One season with 4 episodes, HD, 2019

Directed by
Fabio Canale

Original Argument
Fabio Canale

Written by
Guilherme S. Zanella

Jiddu Pinheiro, Aline Jones and Vinicius Ferreira

Besouro Filmes, Alfredo Soares de Barros, Bonobo Filmes e Galo de Briga Filmes

Edital PRODAV 02/2013

Licensed by
BOX Brasil

Thefts, armed robbery and corruption are common topics in the news programs of a state that can’t protect from itself. A mix of tragedy and entertainment. Banality of Evil isn’t any TV series, in it people are resentful. For the policeman, there is no difference between public and private, especially when you look where you shouldn’t.